
Local residents transform an unloved area on Dawes Street.

An area of unloved land on Dawes Street, next to the Plot 18 construction site, has been turned into a colourful oasis, thanks to local residents and support from Vistry Partnerships, sub-contractors J P Dunn and Southwark Housing Team.

Sarah Okae, Resident Liaison Manager for Vistry Partnerships on Plot 18 explains:

"The space had become a bit of a dumping ground so I saw the opportunity to make the area look more appealing and bring the community together by creating a small garden area. I spoke to Lorraine at Notting Hill Genesis who loved the idea and she asked some local residents for their skills and expertise. I also spoke to the Southwark Housing Team who were happy to get involved in an initiative to improve the area. Our sub-contractor, J P Dunn, were keen to get involved and helped to build the planting area."

Once the planting area was ready, two of the local residents, Jean and Sandy, gave a crash course in gardening before the group got stuck into planting a range of brightly coloured plants to transform the space.

Lorraine Gilbert, Head of Involvement and Communication at Notting Hill Genesis said:

"It was an absolute pleasure to work in partnership with residents, Vistry Partnerships and the Southwark Housing Team to deliver this project. We have already received a lot of positive feedback about how the planting has helped to improve the area. We would like to say a special ‘thank you’ to the residents who helped us to plan the design of the garden area and put in the hard work on the day."

Harry, another resident who took part, commented:

"The day was really nice. For someone like me who isn’t green fingered it was good be involved. The plants make a big difference and are helping to improve the area."


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