Notting Hill Genesis and its partners are committed to making this website as accessible as possible regardless of the browser or technology you use.
There are millions of people with disabilities in the UK who could face problems accessing information online but for us accessibility isn't just about people with disabilities - it's about everyone.
We apply common sense and work closely with experts in the industry to make sure our website is accessible to all our users. We don't rely on automated tests and where possible test our site with real people.
We read documents like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 and use them as the basis for deciding how to make content and functionality accessible to everyone.
If you do have problems using our website, please email and let us know so we can try to resolve the issue.
Making our website available to people of all needs and limitations is part of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. Whether you have a visual, hearing or motor impairment, whether you're using out-of-date technology or you don't use JavaScript, we want you to be able to access the information on our site.
The Equality Act (which replaced the Disability Discrimination Act) states that service providers must not discriminate against disabled people. A website is a service and is therefore covered by this law.
This website, is compatible with screen readers including
as well as speech recognition software such as Dragon Naturally speaking.
Visit for tips and tricks on how to improve your user experience on the website. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact