We have submitted a planning application for Phase 2B.
The site includes the land currently occupied by:
• Winslow
• Wendover (241 – 471)
• Padbury
• Ravenstone
The application is for:
“Demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment to provide a mixed use development comprising five buildings of a variety of heights with basements, providing affordable and market homes (Class C3); flexible floorspace for commercial business and service uses (Class E) and local community and learning uses (Class F1/F2(a)(b)); public open space and playspace; private and communal amenity space; formation of new accesses and routes within the site; alterations to existing accesses; and associated car and cycle parking; refuse storage; and hard and soft landscaping; and associated works.”
The plans have been drawn up following more than six years of engagement across the Aylesbury Estate, and a year of consultation on the Phase 2B designs.
The new homes
Quick Facts
Public space
Green streets
Access and Movement
Sustainability and low energy
Some documents submitted as part of the planning application are available to download on this page. However the full submission is available to view on Southwark Council’s planning portal.