Plot 18 resident feedback group

Plot 18 resident feedback group

The Aylesbury Plot 18 Resident Feedback Group (RFG) represents residents, stakeholders and local groups within the neighbourhood surrounding Plot 18, previously known as the Old Amersham site, which sits between Dawes Street and Thurlow Street.

The group consists of residents and local representatives, who are reflective of the community they represent.

Membership is open to residents, community group representatives and businesses in the area surrounding Plot 18. This will be reflected in a ratio of 50% residents, 25% community organisations/stakeholders and 25% local businesses.

Membership is unpaid and undertaken voluntarily. However Notting Hill Genesis will reimburse appropriate childcare or relief costs if required in order to allow members to attend.

The group will meet on a six weekly basis in the first instance, and the regularity of subsequent meetings will be reviewed with group members. Meetings are usually held at Notting Hill Genesis' offices on the Aylesbury Estate but are currently being held online (due to COVID-19).

Meetings from before October 2020 focused on demolition and were known as Resident Liaison Group (RLG) meetings. Meetings from October 2020 focus on construction and are called Resident Feedback Group (RFG) meetings.

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