
A former Aylesbury resident is enjoying the best of both worlds - living in a new, quiet, warm flat while still being a short walk from the estate where he spent the last 20 years.

Eric Camfield moved into a one-bedroom flat on Camberwell Fields, just across Burgess Park, a month ago. He had previously lived in one of the Wendover blocks.

He says one of the big differences is the peace and quiet he enjoys in his new Notting Hill Housing home.

“It’s so quiet compared to where I was before,” said Eric. “The flat is triple glazed and not on a major road like I was at Wendover.

“I used to have two enormous windows and was quite close to the fire station. I used to hear sirens, the fire brigade, police or ambulance, all through the night, but there is nothing like that here.

“It’s well-built and well insulated, and I have a west-facing balcony where I will be able to sit all afternoon in the summer.”

Eric, who is retired, has also been pleasantly surprised at his energy costs. His heating and hot water has cost him just £6 to £7 a week, and he’s expecting that to be even lower when summer comes.

The flat uses a system that takes heat from the kitchen and bathroom and recycles it for central heating and hot water, keeping bills low.

“It is such a nice flat,” Eric added. “When my girlfriend came to view it, she said after we left ‘I thought I was coming to a normal council flat, but this is amazing’.

“It’s the little things, like having kitchen cupboards and draws that close slowly, that make a difference.”

It has all been a bit of a whirlwind for Eric, having only viewed Camberwell Fields for the first time late last year.

“The process of moving was quick and easy. I first came here in October with some other Aylesbury residents for a general viewing of the show home.

“Straight away I said I was interested. At the end of November, start of December I was offered this flat.

“I came to see it and accepted straight away.”

There is one thing Eric misses about the Aylesbury though.

“I do miss the view. From my flat I could look out across Burgess Park, or across to London and The Shard in the other direction. This flat has a nice view, but it’s not the same.

“It is nice to still be so close to the Aylesbury. I was offered another place behind Camberwell bus garage, but that would have meant finding a new GP, a new dentist, a new pub!

“I don’t have to do that now because I’m so close. I still do my shopping in the same supermarket. It’s a slightly longer walk, but it’s a nice walk through the park.

“Notting Hill Housing did give me the option of moving back to the Aylesbury later but I have turned it down. I’m happy here.”


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