New consultation on updated planning documents

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Extra homes and improved design are among the changes you can find in updated plans for the Aylesbury regeneration.

Notting Hill Housing has now resubmitted a number of these documents, which have been revised to reflect responses to statutory feedback received so far. The revised documents can be viewed in full on our planning pages.

Changes include an increase in the number of homes on the First Development Site, which follows discussions with utility suppliers allowing us to reduce the space needed for mechanical equipment. Building façades on the First Development Site have also been improved following comments and feedback from Southwark Council’s design and conservation team.

A number of small changes have been made to the overall masterplan in response to planners and initial comments from statutory consultees such as Transport for London and the Greater London Authority.

Consultation of the updated planning documents begins on Monday 2 March and runs until 23 March 2015. Details of where to view the planning documents online and in hard copy can be found on our planning pages.

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