Living wage pledge for Aylesbury workers

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Every Southwark resident working on the regeneration of the Aylesbury estate will earn at least the London Living Wage, while apprentices will benefit from an uplift on the national minimum wage.

Our pledge covers not only Notting Hill Housing staff, but will be a contractual obligation for anyone in our supply chain.

Meghan Doyle, Head of Community Investment for Notting Hill Housing’s Aylesbury team, said: “Notting Hill and its partners through the supply chain have committed to providing a good range of job opportunities, across a range of levels and sectors, paid at least the London Living Wage.”

“With the cost of living increasing day by day in London, it is important to help residents earn a decent wage and be able to support themselves and their families to have the means to make decisions that are right for them.”

The London Living Wage is currently set at £9.15 per hour.

From September we will also have our first six Notting Hill Housing apprenticeships available.

Apprentices will get the chance to work in office services, IT and housing management, gaining experience and supervision as they start their careers.

They will also benefit from our offer of 25 per cent above the National Minimum Wage for trainees and apprentices as they complete their qualification.

Meghan added: “It is important that apprentices have the best induction to employment and that this acts as a platform for advancing their careers in a positive way. Notting Hill believes that by paying trainees and apprentices a fair wage, it sends a clear message that they too are valued employees who are just starting off in their careers.”

Notting Hill Housing is working with Southwark Council to provide 1,400 employment, training and apprenticeship opportunities to residents of the borough over the lifetime of the regeneration and we will be promoting these opportunities to people living on the Aylesbury.

Keep an eye on for updates on the job and training opportunities coming up during the regeneration programme.

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