Skills course proves to be a huge success

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An Executive skills course run by Notting Hill Housing last year has seen every person taking part secure themselves a new job.

One of those success stories is Michelle Umagho-Ukueku, 46, from Bermondsey, who had been working on the Crossrail project as a Health and Safety Adviser but wanted a new challenge.

Speaking about the course, she said: “I took part to enhance my knowledge and work on any lapses in interview techniques. More significantly, I took it as a refresher and to possibly learn new skills that I may have missed in the past.”

Those taking part, all residents of the Aylesbury or wider Southwark, were helped with teamwork, understanding commercial awareness, a psychometric test and speed interviews.

“The course boosted my confidence in interviews and the belief I can attain all I want,” Michelle added. “Carol Morgan (Notting Hill Housing Training and Employment Manager) did even more for me than the course though, to be honest. 

"Words are not enough to thank her for the time and patience she gave me.

“But what I learned on the course did help me get my new job. After taking part in the speed interviews I received immediate feedback, and I used that going forward.

“My new role at Safety, Health and Environmental Adviser is going well. I am still settling in as it’s rather different to the Crossrail background I’m used to.

“I’m really enjoying it though, it’s what I wanted to do. I’d definitely recommend the Executive Skills course to others looking to get back into work or find a new job.”

Keep checking the new opportunities page on Aylesbury Now to find out about the latest courses, training and apprenticeships being made available during the regeneration programme.

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