Recruitment day draws in crowds

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More than 130 Southwark residents turned up at our recruitment event last week, interested in kick-starting a new career.

Dozens of jobs, traineeships and apprenticeship opportunities were available to visitors, with interviews already being arranged and others registering for trainee programmes.

Notting Hill Housing joined forces with Capita’s Careers Advisory Service for the event, which ran for two hours on the afternoon of Wednesday 25 November.

Vacancies available included admin, financial and academic role, as well as jobs and training spots in construction, banking and digital media.

Carol Morgan, Training and Employment Project Manager for the Aylesbury programme, said: “The event created a real buzz in the community, to the extent that I was approached by Osborne’s, the construction contractor, and Cite Training asking whether they could also attend to offer their training and apprenticeship opportunities.

“A member of Capita’s senior management team attended and was very impressed too, and hopes to do more of these events in the future.”

Feedback from the live recruitment day saw three quarters of respondents rate the event as “excellent” or “very good”.

For more information on future careers events and job opportunities that arise from the Aylesbury regeneration, keep an eye on our New Opportunities page.

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