Free business support programme for Aylesbury residents

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If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner and would like support to set up, manage or develop your business, read on to find out about a great opportunity.

Trampoline, a social enterprise that provides business incubation support to early start-ups, is looking for 12 motivated entrepreneurs to join their free ‘Start-up Launchpad Programme’.

Running over a period of five months, this comprehensive business support programme will cover topics such as marketing, financial management, operational planning, ethics and compliance. In addition to this, business coaching and mentoring support will also be on offer.

If this sounds interesting, join Trampoline at a Coffee Morning info-session where you can find out more about the programme and how you can sign up.

Date: Saturday 19 February 2022

Time: 10am – 1pm

Location: InSpire, The Crypt, St Peter’s Church, Liverpool Grove, SE17 2HH

To find out more, email or call 07856 877152.

Notting Hill Genesis is proud to support this programme through its Wellbeing Fund.

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