Extra affordable homes for Aylesbury neighbourhood

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More affordable housing is going to be available in the first phase of the Aylesbury regeneration, giving more existing residents the opportunity to move into a new home without leaving the neighbourhood.

Southwark Council’s planning committee has resolved to grant a Section 73 application by Notting Hill Genesis for the First Development Site in Albany Road and Plot 18 in Thurlow Street, allowing some private homes to be replaced with affordable housing.

The combined affordable housing across the two sites will rise from 51 per cent to 60 per cent, by habitable rooms, as a result of the decision.

It means more residents living on the latter phases of the regeneration will have the chance to move directly into new Notting Hill Genesis homes. Meanwhile, the private homes removed from the first phases will instead be delivered later on.

Eleanor Purser, Notting Hill Genesis’ Director of Regeneration for Aylesbury Estate said, “We are pleased that Southwark Planning Committee has approved this application as it means that we can deliver more affordable homes in the early stages of the regeneration.

“Notting Hill Genesis is committed to the long-term regeneration of the Aylesbury Estate, not only building new homes, but also providing social and economic benefits to residents of the Aylesbury community.”

The decision is subject to review by the Greater London Authority.

Southwark Council were also successful in gaining the Compulsory Purchase Order for the land on the First Development Site of the Aylesbury regeneration. This means that Notting Hill Genesis can progress with construction of over 800 new homes.

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