Developing creative skills to furnish our homes

Developing creative skills to furnish our homes Picture 1
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Our popular arts and crafts programme for young people continued during the May half-term holiday with a focus on how we can use creative skills to furnish our homes.

The activities gave residents an opportunity to spend time with friends while developing their artistic skills. Highlights included:

Bedside lamps – residents used brightly coloured marker pens and paints to draw their own designs onto lamps which they then took away to be used in their bedrooms at home. The transparent nature of the lamps meant that the designs will project onto their walls when the lights are switched on.

Drawstring bags – using traditional African print fabrics, the young people learnt how to hand stitch their own bags with drawstrings so they can easily carry their belongings over their shoulders.

Planters – the children let their imagination go wild to draw inspiring designs onto windowsill planters. They will be able to use gardening skills they’ve learnt in previous sessions to grow their own plants at home.

One young person who took part in the programme said: “This programme has inspired me to express myself through art.”

All the photos from the week are available to view in a photo gallery.

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