Working Communities Bursary

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Notting Hill Housing is offering Working Communities Bursaries of up to £250 for Southwark residents who would benefit from financial help securing a job or gaining a qualification.

Some examples of what the bursaries will cover include: fees to attend a training course or gain a badge or qualification, travel expenses to support a work placement, purchasing job-relevant equipment or attire, etc.

To apply, please email with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Full address (inc. full postcode)
  • Age, Ethnicity, Gender (for equal opportunity monitoring)
  • Amount you are applying for (maximum £250)
  • A short description of how the bursary will help you towards securing a job or gaining a qualification
  • A short description of what the bursary will be spent on

Once we receive your email, the team will inform you of their decision within 2 weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact the team at

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