It’s your Aylesbury, help shape the future

Here are some of the ideas presented at the consultation event. Which ones do you think could work in this new public space?

The next stage of regeneration will create a new neighbourhood hub with community facilities

2 people like this idea

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Comments (4)

  • Katherine Francis Monday 19th 2015 23:18pm

    It's shameful that you're steamrollering these plans through, with no real interest in the views of the people who live on the Aylesbury and in neigbouring streets. I have been here for almost twenty years, and I don't want this area to lose its affordable council housing, its market, its low-income families liek mine.

  • Graham Hughes Thursday 22nd 2015 18:35pm

    I am outraged that there is no information available on how exactly these 'community' facilities will be used. Simple questions like what community groups they will be made available to, and at what rates is not available. Even more outrageous is that all the 'community' facilities are being paid for by the Council! Notting Hill gets to build swanky luxury housing for a DIFFERENT higher-wealth community, who can afford the private penthouses or new 'affordable' rents at 80% market, and Southwark gets to pay for all their community facilities! And you call this regeneration? Whose regeneration?

  • George Squier Wednesday 16th 2015 17:41pm

    There is massive ill feeling from local residents about the manner in which all of this is being conducted without proper consultation. A number of residents are now organising around the name Plot 18 Action Group to give voice to these concerns. The plans have presumably reached a stage now where HTA the architects involved will be only very reluctantly altered if at all. This was completely avoidable with effective early consultation with local residents. It beggars belief that a simple change to a person's house requires a notice to be placed outside their house for all to see clearly whereas something on this scale is pushed through on the quiet.

  • john trevelyan Thursday 14th 2016 14:01pm

    I strongly object to this proposal. It has been pushed through with no real consultation with local residents in adjoining roads. These plans are not in keeping with the conservation area. The proposed new road layout threatens to return the streets to the rat runs they were a few years ago.